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2.Diagnostic to Treatment Planning Development in Orthodontics

2.Diagnostic to Treatment Planning Development in Orthodontics klik disini


  • Proffit and Fields, 2007, Contemporary Orthodontics, 3rd ed, Mosby, St Louis, Missouri
  • Isaacson, Muir dan Reed, 2007, Removable Orthodontic Appliances, An imprint of Elsevier, Indian Reprint
  • Schwarz,M dan Gratzinger, M, 1966, Removable Orthodontic Appliances, WB Saunders and Comp, Philadelphia and London
  • Muir and Reed, 1979, Tooth Movement with Removable Appliances,CV Mosby comp.
  • Orthodontics Department Dentistry Faculty of Gadjah Mada  University’s protocols 2011
  • Private experiences